Anna Faber

Anna Faber SOLO

Anna Faber Solo_ Polnishe Tanze aus Waisselius' Tablature

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Anna Faber Solo_Pescetti_Sonata C Minor part III

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Anna Faber Solo_Night Harp

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Anna Faber Solo_Good Fair

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Anna Faber DUO

Anna Faber Duo_Woman of Ireland

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Anna Faber Duo_Jak Anieli

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Anna Faber Duo_G.Donizetti_Sonata g_Larghetto

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Anna Faber Duo_G.Donizetti_Sonata g_Allegro

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Anna Faber TRIO

Anna Faber Trio_Planxty Irish

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Anna Faber Trio_Scarborough Fair

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Anna Faber Trio_Galician Caroll

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Małgorzata Walewska_Hijo de la Luna - Bogini księżyca

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Małgorzata Walewska_Fino ad un pianto

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Małgorzata Walewska_Alma Mater

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Anna Faber BLUE HARP

Anna Faber Blue Harp & K.Ścierański_Das Spinnerin

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Anna Faber & Blue Harp_ Sonniger Himmel

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Anna Faber & Blue Harp_Angels

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Anna Faber & Blue Harp_Woman of Ireland

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Anna Faber & Blue Harp_The Alchemist's Harp

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Anna Faber & CARRANTUOHILL_Galician Caroll

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Anna Faber & CARRANTUOHILL_Irish women

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Anna Faber & CARRANTUOHILL_Planxty Irish

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